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Beach Party [OPEN]

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Beach Party [OPEN] Empty Beach Party [OPEN]

Post by Sapphire Mon May 06, 2013 9:32 am

It was a little past four in the afternoon and a small collection of people had formed on the beach. A large colorful umbrella had just been propped up and a plastic table sat under it, its surface barely seen under the food. There was quite a variety: chips, hotdogs and fruits among others. Beside it waited a juice jug and a stack of plastic glasses. On top of that, the smell of barbeques filled the air, no doubt coming from the grill tended to by one of the campers.

Will sat on one of the blankets laid out on the warm sand, leaning forward with his elbows placed on his bent knees. He stood out as one of the few people who weren't yet soaked. His camp shirt was draped on his back and his brown hair was still as dry as when he had arrived. Although he dressed like he was ready for a swim, Will just didn't feel like taking a dip. He had only come at the request of Jimmy. It was his birthday and besides, Will couldn't say no to free food. Granted, he hardly knew the people here but he adapted quickly. He wasn't really into the idea of swimming though, especially with people he had only just met.

Jimmy had assured him that more people would arrive and so Will waited. Maybe he would spot a familiar face. If not, well, it was always good to meet new people.
coded by rdragon

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Beach Party [OPEN] Empty Re: Beach Party [OPEN]

Post by Crow Thu May 16, 2013 11:00 am

Beach Party [OPEN] Tumblr_mjxoweJjFM1rjjvt8o1_500
Lynn D’Link
”People cannot always be perfect, because that isn’t real, is it?”

Lynn was sound asleep on the golden sand of the beach until the sound of kids having fun woke her up. Fun. It was something Lynn has never experienced. Lynn was a loner. She had one friend, her abusive conscience. Lynn didn't mind it though. She was used to the mental beatings from it. It was more like a guideline rather than anything. It told the girl what to do and how she should react to things. Quick, this person is coming near you. Pull your hood and up look to the ground. This guy is trying to talk to you, remain silent and run away. Yep, that was Lynn's state of thinking alright.

Letting out a barely audible sigh, Lynn sits up and rubs her eyes. Her vision was blurry for a second, but returns to normal and she sees people. So many people. Why were there so many people at the beach? Lynn starts to hyperventilate. Just the thought of being around so many people, let alone two people was enough to send the girl into tears. People were just so scary. So mean. People were cold and unforgiving. They didn't know how to do good, only bad. Lynn hugs her knees to her chest and tries to regulate her breathing. Stay calm. They won't approach you if you look hostile or scared.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Lynn D'Link, the pathetic excuse for a demigod, let alone human.

ooc; woo tiny post!


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Beach Party [OPEN] Empty Re: Beach Party [OPEN]

Post by Sapphire Fri May 17, 2013 9:01 am

After politely refusing yet another offer to join them for a swim, Will made his way towards the food table in the hopes of finding himself something to eat. Well, that was only part of the reason. He figured that people wouldn't be so eager to invite him to the water if they saw that he was eating. Snagging a bag of Cheetos and a couple of juice pouches (he was too lazy to make another trip), Will returned to his spot overlooking the hyperactive kids splashing about some fifteen yards away. He looked around as he ripped the bag open, wondering if anyone would suddenly come over at the prospect of chips, but the only thing that caught his attention was a tense long-haired girl a short walk away.

Will had already seen her the moment he arrived but paid her no heed. She was sleeping at the time, making him wonder just how long she had been there, but he really didn't pay her notice after that. Until now, at least. Will frowned at the sight of her hugging her chest, looking... vulnerable? What was she so afraid of?

Then out of the corner of his eye, Will saw a boy, probably his age or a bit older, draw close to the girl. He could see from the way he walked that he was a jock, no doubt one of those popular kids in campus. The boy, half-naked and dripping wet from having been in the water, stopped beside the girl and flashed her a crooked grin, before opening his mouth and saying something that Will couldn't hear from his distance.

It wasn't really any of his business but Will, popping Cheetos in his mouth as he did, continued staring at them. Not in a bad stalker-ish way. More like in a curious 'hm-interesting-I-wonder-how-it-plays-out' kind of way.
coded by rdragon

ooc: wooo random npc. control him as you wish.

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Beach Party [OPEN] Empty Re: Beach Party [OPEN]

Post by Crow Sat May 18, 2013 9:40 am

Lynn lets out a quiet sigh when she sees that no one was approaching her. So far so good. Now to get out of here without getting noticed. Things didn't work out so well for the daughter of Hephaestus though, for right as she stood up a boy approached her. The guy was jacked, maybe around seventeen years of age. Long brown hair hung off his head like a mop and all in all he looked disgusting to Lynn. The girl's tries her best not to look scared, but doesn't pull it off so well. The boy flashes her a grin and says something.

"How about you and me go for a swim?" The boy asks, obviously hitting on the shy girl. He was most likely an Ares kid, for his voice was unnaturally deep and he was very blunt in the way he talked. Lynn looks up to him, her petite body being towered over by the boy, who was around six feet tall.


The words slip out of Lynn's mouth quietly as she fights the fear stirring inside of her. It was yelling at her, telling her to leave, to run. Instead, the girl straightens her body and simply walks away, trying to show off that she could stand up for herself. She wasn't going to rub off as a girl who is easily manipulated. Lynn was everything but that.

The son of Ares follows her, calling out to her, asking her to swim again and again. Lynn stops in her tracks as he says it for a fifth time.

"You don't understand, do you? I said no!" It was brave of Lynn to snap at a child of Ares. They were known for their short temper and great strength. As soon as Lynn looks up to the boy she knows she made a mistake. A big mistake. She lets out a small 'eep' as the boy begins to speak to her harshly.

"No need to be a b*tch about it," the guy says as he makes a move towards the girl. He puts a hand on her shoulder and pushes her small body onto the ground. With a grin, the boy winks at her then walks back over to the beach to join his buddies.

People are jerks. Lynn thinks to herself as she sits herself up. She had fallen on the sand, so it didn't hurt. She was only a bit winded; that and surprised. The rush of adrenaline and courageousness soon departs from Lynn and she starts to feel overwhelmed by everything going on around her again. Taking small, shallow breaths, she pulls her knees up to her chest again and flips her hood over her head, covering her face. Small tears start to trickle down her cheeks as she feels a sudden pain in her head. Everyone hates me. No one will ever like me.

Last edited by Crow on Fri May 24, 2013 8:53 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Beach Party [OPEN] Empty Re: Beach Party [OPEN]

Post by panoramic Sun May 19, 2013 5:15 pm

Claude had just been informed of a party happening around at the beach. He was somewhat surprised really, as most of these people would focus more on their training for their dangerous inevitable futures rather then actually being a
normal teenager. Once you become a teenager, you stay a teenager, huh?
Parties were always pretty much his thing, just as long as the food was okay and the drinks weren't illegal, then he can attend. He was sure that it was going to be that kind of party that a typical teenager would pull off without parental consent - in meaning the food would be an unbalanced diet and the drinks would be illegal. But Claude was so desperate for normalcy that he wanted to come anyway. Demigods are people, and people are human, right?

So after a long hard day of exercise and training, almost out of breath, he'd managed to put on a fresh new outfit and decided to attend to this quote on quote hella rocking party by the beach.
But his expectations had never been so overestimated before as he had arrived at the scene.
A lone plastic table was standing in the sand, but bountiful with the colors of the food guide stacked on top of it. It had just enough food to feed the entire population of Russia, or to feed Claude's stomach. But it was catering literally 4 to none people who's intentions were to only splash around the water and possibly get indangered by into getting sucked into a rip current.
But it was also possible that most of the guests having come around yet, as two more people enter the scene in their bathing suits and towels.
He shrugged, "Time to chow down." He eagerly told himself as he headed towards to the table. But on his way, he had passed by a lone girl curled up on a towel. She had her hood covering her face, so he couldn't tell her expression; but he knew something had happened to her.
"Hey... you alright there?" He kneeled down beside her, bringing his head down to the side in a questioning manner.

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Beach Party [OPEN] Empty Re: Beach Party [OPEN]

Post by Sapphire Sun May 26, 2013 7:51 am

It didn't take a genius to find out that the girl had refused the jock and Will watched in distaste as he gave her a nasty shove. He could imagine his mother - adoptive mother - ranting on about disrespectful boys if she was around. Will rose to his feet with the Cheetos in hand a few moments later, before he could hear her old and raspy voice telling him to do something, perhaps console the poor girl as she looked a little too affected by the incident. It was the only thing he could see himself doing. Will wasn't about to pick a fight with the sturdily-built boy just because he pushed a girl he didn't even know.

Someone else had the same idea however, Will noticed when he was only five yards away as a reddish-blond boy knelt down beside the girl and asked her if she was alright. Will paused hesitantly. The boy seemed to have it under control, but it was too late to turn back now, wasn't it? Will didn't want to have walked all this way for nothing. Granted, it was only a short distance, but he was lazy as hell. That ought to count for something.

Will slowed into a stop in front of them. Uh, now what? It's probably weird if I just stand here looking like an idiot eating chips... Oh wait, chips! He stretched out his open bag of chips, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Hey, uh, Cheetos?"
coded by rdragon

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Beach Party [OPEN] Empty Re: Beach Party [OPEN]

Post by Crow Tue May 28, 2013 9:41 am

Upon seeing a boy approaching her, Lynn tenses and hugs herself tighter. This kid was probably going to do the same exact thing to her, maybe even worse. She doesn't move her head to look at him, but can see him out of the side of her field of vision. He was kneeling next to her and his mouth was moving. Lynn didn't exactly hear him, she was too busy questioning herself whether or not to run. Run all you want, it isn't going to help anything.

"Hey . . . you alright there?"

Lynn wasn't expecting that at all. She was thinking he would give her a cruel reprimand or something because she had rejected his friend. Not at all though. The boy's words were soft and comforting. Lynn still couldn't bring herself to trust him though. She wasn't like that. Not just "Boom! I just met you and now you're my friend!" The demigod could never bring herself to do that, although sometimes she wished she could. But you'll never be able to do so.

Before she had a chance to reply to the boy . . . or run away, another guy approached her with a bag of Cheetos in his hand. Lynn slowly scoots herself backwards on her towel, not liking being so close to two people, let alone two guys. Something deep in her mind told her that she was safe, but she couldn't just accept it. She always had to feel as if her life was on the run and everyone disliked her rather than being a normal kid. You'll never be normal, face it. The boy who had just approached her offers her some of his food, but Lynn shakes her head slowly, now looking up at the two. She felt like a child all over again; always having people trying to make her feel better but she would always refuse. They are just lying she would tell herself. They'll always come back to bite you in the end.

"I'm . . . I'm fine," Lynn says quietly, looking at the boy with the reddish-blond boy with her chocolate brown eyes. Was that it? Where they just going to leave it at that and the two guys would walk away? So what, she had lied. If it was to get the people away from her, she would do it.


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Beach Party [OPEN] Empty Re: Beach Party [OPEN]

Post by panoramic Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:13 pm

When he approached her, he noticed how much she tensed up around the presence of someone else, curling up in her own ball like that. She looked like a helpless puppy, afraid of what the world can do to her. It was possible that she was a newcomer like him.
It was fine to be scared, and maybe she needed someone to reassure it.

Claude had always been that one guy everyone can come to for some emotional help. It was always him who'd lend a hand to the kids who'd been put down by the other kids in the playground. He always felt obligated to help anyone who's in need, like some kind of guardian angel or something.

He turned around and noticed the boy sitting by the food table, approaching them with a bag of puffy cheesy junk food. He'd open his bag of cheetos to offer it to them, along with a grin that completely said he didn't really know what he was doing. Claude had also noticed that the girl had scooted herself backwards as another dude had joined in on the scene. It was possible the fact that she looked quite uncomfortable being surrounded by this many people that something bad must have really happened to her.
But she'd took the moment to finally look over at him. "I'm... I'm fine," She spoke in a quiet uneasy tone. She had helpless brown eyes, wondering whether she can trust him or not.
"...Hey, I know it's kinda weird that a random stranger would easily lend a hand; but I don't mean any harm. I assure you." He'd given her a welcoming grinning smile, like he always would to cheer someone up.
But not leaving the other guy hanging, he turned over to him and let out a hand. "Oh, and give me a handful, I'm starving."


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Beach Party [OPEN] Empty Re: Beach Party [OPEN]

Post by Sapphire Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:35 pm

ooc: due to real-life stuff school i will no longer have enough free time to continue posting in this topic. sorry guys! you're free to continue posting though c: assume that will made an excuse and left after giving claude some cheetos.

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Beach Party [OPEN] Empty Re: Beach Party [OPEN]

Post by Crow Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:35 am

Lynn watches curiously as the boy who had addressed her first is given a handful of the snack food. How could he trust the other guy so quickly? How could he know that the Cheetos weren't poisoned or something like that? Lynn would never grasp the concept of trust, even with friends and family. It all seemed very confusing and not understandable.

Just like that, the boy who had arrived with the Cheetos had left, but putting the bag of food in the other boy's hand.

All the while Lynn stared at the first boy, not understanding how he could do it. How could the girl trust his words? They ran out of his mouth smoothly and with warmth, as if he was a caring sibling or parent. The daughter of Hephaestus didn't know that feeling normally, but she could just feel it. She could feel the kindness in his words and the lack of hostility was a bit frightening.

"I, uh, I . . .

No words would come to Lynn's mouth as she watches the boy wait for a reply from her. Upon realizing that she had made a fool of herself, the girl scoots back a little more, hugs herself tighter, and places her eyes on the toe-cap of her black and white Converse Low-tops.

ooc; sorry for the slight power-play :c


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Beach Party [OPEN] Empty Re: Beach Party [OPEN]

Post by Tumbleweed Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:36 pm


Kunal ran a hand through his already tousled hair as he strolled along the beach. Looking around a little curiously, he realised that he'd just walked into a party, Well how nice, he thought, smiling naturally. Kunal was in his element, parties and social gatherings were where he felt most comfortable. Paradoxically, a wild out-of-control rave put him instantly at ease in nearly any circumstances, the exception ofcourse being if he was bleeding to death. But thats another story, Kunal thought, wincing slightly as he shoved the thought to the back of his head.

As he looked around, Kunal's gaze finally rested on an unlikely couple, a fragile looking girl sitting on the sand hugging her knees to her chest and a curly haired boy kneeling by her side holding-were those cheetos?. Trying not to stare, but inadvertently doing so anyway Kunal observed the pair a little curiously. Noticing the girl looked slightly scared, he wondered for a moment if the boy was bothering her but brushed the thought away almost instantly, the boy's expression was more concerned than anything else. Probably helping her he decided, as usual relying way too much on his- admittedly fairly good- instincts about people.

Not wanting to be caught staring, Kunal averted his gaze and walked over to snack table that seemed to be straining under the weight of all the food that had been unceremoniously piled on top of it. Coke, burgers, pizza, nachos and cheese, enchiladas, various chips and Dionysus knew what else, Kunal recited to himself, the satyrs had done themselves proud. Unfortunately however, this meant that everything was vegetarian, he realised as he helped himself to a slice of pizza. Mm, well. Gotta give the vegetarians some credit, Kunal thought, smiling again as he took another bite.

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