Camp Half-Blood
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You may say that I'm a dreamer [OPEN]

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You may say that I'm a dreamer [OPEN] Empty You may say that I'm a dreamer [OPEN]

Post by Tumbleweed Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:21 am

Socks leaned against the rough tree bark, scarcely aware of the few leaves that had fluttered down to settle in his hair. Feeling the warm sunlight against his closed eyelids, Socks realised he dint know how long he had been here for, then again time was always hard to chart, near the creek. One of his favourite places in camp, the creek always provided Socks with a nice relaxing atmosphere in which to get away from the hordes of people in camp and gather his thoughts. Ever since he discovered this particular secluded spot however Socks had begun coming here even more than usual, the canopy of leafy trees over him, the arbitrary arrangement of moss covered boulders and the soothing sound of the creek a few metres ahead served as the perfect getaway. His eyes still closed, Socks arched his back slightly, stretching his arms out above him with a rather loud yawn, as he blinked his sleep away however he became aware of something sliding off of his thigh and slapped his hand down reflexively on the book he had been reading, preventing it from falling. As he set it down carefully beside him, Socks rubbed his eyes with the ball of his palm and blinked furiously in the bright sunlight. Once his eyes adjusted to the light however he was struck by the beauty of the creek that reflected the sunlight like a river of diamonds ahead of him and couldn't help but gasp softly.

Socks eased himself off the forest floor, placing both palms in the mud as he did. Wiping them on his knee length khaki shorts he walked forward till he stood in a few into the creek, knee deep in the water. He had kicked off his slippers as he walked and was currently in the process of peeling off his shirt, in one fluid motion he had tossed that behind him as well. Standig bare chested in the water, Socks took a few long strides forward again, closing his eyes as he did, enjoying the feeling of the cool water lapping around his waist even as the bright sunlight beat down on him from above. Brillaint he thought, contentedly turning his face upward so that it caught the sunlight directly, causing him to sense a red glow behind his closed eyelids.

As he looked straight ahead and opened his eyes calmly, Socks opened his palm and examined the small pebbles that he had scooped up while sitting by the tree. They were perfect for throwing and skipping across the still surface of the lake. Transefering one of them to his right hand, he looked forward srutinisingly and holding it delicately between his index finger and thumb, he quickly flicked the grey pebble forward unto the calm surface of the water, watching as it skipped three three time creating ripples as it did before finally dissapearing as it sunk into the water.

He smiled happily, satisfied at this feat and completely unconcerned about anyone that was possibly watching him. Picking up another pebble, a pinkish one this time, with flecks of grey, Socks briefly examined the stone, before quickly flipping it over the the water as well. However his finger slipped slightly as he attempted to toss and Socks let out a quiet groan as the pebble simply simply sunk into the water without event. Leaned back slightly, Socks examined the spot where it had dissapeared speculatively,wondering about its journey to the floor of the creek. Subconciously taking a step forward, Socks felt his foot ram hard to an unexpected object, a rock perhaps and lost his footing. Suspended awkwardly in mid air for a split second, his arms splayed in a useless effort to right himself, Socks fell backwards with a splash, going under for a moment as he landed flat on his butt. Reflexively however, Socks kicked upward and emerged above the surface, spluttering a little.

No sooner than he had caught his breath however, Socks began laughing hysterically as he blinked the water out of his eyes. Two feet planted firmly in the floor of the creek, Socks felt the current swirly around him as he tossed his head back again and stared at the sky, not bothering to close his eyes this time having sensed correctly by the sudden coolness of the air that the Sun had gone behind a cloud. Losing himself in the infinite majesty of the endless sky, Socks wondered- not for the first time- what it would be like to be able to fly as high as he could go until the clouds stretched out like a carpet beneath him. Suppressing a slight shiver as the cool water droplets trickled down his well toned chest, Socks smiled in anticipation as the Sun began to come out from behind the clouds again.
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You may say that I'm a dreamer [OPEN] Empty Re: You may say that I'm a dreamer [OPEN]

Post by Crow Sat Jun 15, 2013 7:24 pm

Kayn Ressin

 The sun beat down on the shoulders of Kayn as she jogs through the forest. Ever since she spent basically the whole winter inside of her cabin, the daughter of Nemesis came up with the plan that she would make herself start doing daily exercises. Sure, she would probably end up stopping by next week, but it was still worth it, right?

 It was a rather clear day in Camp Half-Blood. The sun shone down. The sky was a vibrant blue. Not a single cloud lurked in the sky. The sounds of wildlife coming from the forest seemed to give the girl a sense of peace and calmness. The only things she could hear were the sounds of birds chirping, soft scuttling in the branches and bushes, and the quiet thumps of her feet hitting the ground as she moved herself along. It was quite nice for once. Usually the forest was bustling with campers and the monsters that were chasing them. Hopefully none of that would happen to her today, both getting chased by monsters and crossing paths with other campers. She wanted to do her jog by herself.

  Kayn was doing rather good with avoiding campers and monsters alike. The girl was full of penned up energy that was ready to be let loose. Just jogging wasn't enough to drain her. She would need to do a lot more than jogging. A lot.

 The daughter of Nemesis was about halfway through her run when she heard the sound of laughter. Joyful laughter, not cruel laughter that came after hurting someone. This sounded like true, honest-to-the gods laughter. Her curiosity kicking into full gear, the girl slows down her pace and makes her way across a narrow dirt path. Once it was opened up, the path revealed a deeper part of the Zephyros Creek. Well, there goes that. Kayn thinks to herself as her eyes settle on a boy who appeared to be enjoying himself as he flopped around in the water. Water was a big no-no for Kayn. It wasn't that she couldn't swim, she never tried. She also never wanted to. The girl was terrified of it. It was an irrational fear, like, nothing ever happened to her as a child with water. She just was afraid of it.

 Kayn had already burst out of the forest path, she would look stupid if she had just walked in then walked out. She kind of needed to stay now; just to make sure she doesn't look like an idiot to the non-existent people that were all around her. Taking in a deep breath, Kayn walks over to a fallen over tree and sits down, her back to it. It actually felt sort of nice to take a break from her oh-so-exhausting jog. The demigod hugs her knees to her chest loosely. She didn't want to appear to be scared or anything. She was anything but that at the moment. The girl just simply enjoyed watching other people have fun. Nothing wrong with that, right?


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Post by Tumbleweed Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:07 am

Socks looked up at the sounds of someone bursting through the forest, whoever it was sounded like they were in a hurry. Turning on the spot, Socks looked around for the source of the sound. A small crease appeared on his forehead as he listened carefully, Almost definitely human footfalls..those are not the paws or hooves of any animal he decided, so he could expect human company then, far be it from most animals to display such a startling lack of grace. On the other hand, he couldnt rule out a monster or ten, possibly in pursuit of the human even. The hurried footsteps seemed ominous to Socks who really dint feel like having his time at the creek interrupted by having to fight for his life. When the girl burst through the thick foliage therefore, apparently unaccompanied, Socks was perhaps more pleased than he would have otherwise been.

The girl dint seem like someone who was likely to initiate a bloody fight to the death, which was just as well as far as Socks was concerned. Bare chested and waist-deep in the water was perhaps not the ideal way to meet new people but to Socks' mind it was just as good as any other. Interesting introductions often made for interesting conversations, he thought absently to himself, reflecting on this idea.

As he returned the girl's curious gaze, Socks realised that his own curiosity had been piqued. "Hello there", he responded smiling politely at the girl. If not for being chased, why had she been tearing toward the creek that way? Ofcourse, it is perfectly respectable to burst into a run for no reason at all. Socks thought, nodding slightly to himself, but for some strange reason not many other people thought so. Looking at the girl again, with slightly appraising gaze, he wondered if she was possibly one of the rare exceptions.
Resident Cynic

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Post by Crow Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:45 am

Kayn Ressin

Kayn was actually a bit surprised that the boy had actually tried to start a conversation with her. The girl respected the fact that he wasn't some unsociable loser like a lot of the other kids who usually hung around in the forest. They were always so mopey; Kayn detested that. Absolutely despised seeing them just sulking around the forest all "woe is me" and stuff like that.

"Hi! The name is Ressin, Kayn Ressin," the girl tells him, going for the James Bond style of introduction. All the while, the demigod made sure that she got no water on her or let herself get too close to it. Water. Just the sound of the word made the girl shiver. The irrational fear had always accompanied her. Maybe it was because of some type of water related tragedy when she was a young child? Maybe the girl was just being stupid about being scared of it? Was she truly scared of water, or of something worse, such as drowning? Possibly it was all mixed into one big melting pot?

Kayn scoots back a little bit as the small ripples from the creek splash onto shore. She didn't even want it touching her. The thing about Kayn was that she had always wanted to learn how to swim. She always wanted to try to conquer her fear. However, whenever she was face to face with it, she would turn and run like a coward. Like a coward. The daughter of Nemesis didn't like being called names, just like how most kids don't. She was mocking herself mentally, so it was different, right? No. Kayn's subconscious acted as if it was a different person, always picking her apart and calling out her fears and just simply being a bully. Maybe she should go see a doctor sometime soon or something.

Kayn tries her best not to stare at the boy's body. It just made her feel even more awkward than bursting out of the forest for no reason did. Kayn felt a bit uncomfortable at the moment, and failed to try to make it show on her face. She quickly forces herself to smile, looking at the creek behind the boy's shoulder. It beckoned her. Telling her to go and meet her fate. Why?

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Post by Tumbleweed Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:01 pm

Socks raised an eyebrow at the girl, appraising her silently. He listened to her introduction stoically and gave no immediate response himself as was probably expected of him. Trailing his fingers across the surface of the water gently, Socks created small ripples around himself in circles and they surrounded his bare torso as though marking the spot where he stood.

Making to step slightly out of the water, Socks rose about half an inch or so out of the creek before immediately sinking back in to his previous position with a slight shudder as the cold air struck his exposed skin. Not for a sense of posterity however, was Socks remaining in the water. He couldnt possibly be less concerned at being partly naked while meeting a total stranger, as far as he was concerned such norms meant absolutely nothing to him. Although even if not for this disregard for social customs, most people would agree that Socks had nothing to be self concious about. Owing perhaps to running and fondness for rock climbing and exploration Socks has developed a well toned albiet slim chest wih even the beginnings of abs.

Having finished considering the girl, Socks straightened his head from its uneven tilt and smiled faintly at her. His smile was as much an invitation as a gesture, this fact being soldified by the movement he now made as he raised his arm from underneath the water and wordlessly beckoned to the girl. Inexperienced though Socks was in the matter of communicating his thoughts, his meaning could not have been plainer, he was clearly inviting the girl to join him in the creek.
Resident Cynic

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You may say that I'm a dreamer [OPEN] Empty Re: You may say that I'm a dreamer [OPEN]

Post by Crow Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:14 am

Kayn Ressin

Fear struck her in an instant. The boy, he wanted her to go into the water? That was a big no no. Kayn was terrified of water and she wasn't going to let a guy change that for her. What if she stepped in and started to drown or get swept away from the current or hit her head on a rock? Too many things could possibly happen to her. How could this boy be in the water so nonchalantly? He appeared to even having fun! It was weird. He was basically staring face to face with death.

"I . . . uh . . . no?" the girl says awkwardly, not exactly knowing how to reply to his wordless beckon into the water. Kayn shudders and moves away from the water a little more, just for safety. She didn't want it coming into any contact with her whatsoever. Sure, showers and washing her hands forced her to have contact with water, but there was no immediate danger in those things. In open water, who knows what could happen to her?

Realizing she had sounded a bit dumb in her statement, the demigod clears her throat and with a shaky breath, starts talking.

"I, I don't actually know how to swim. Water is scary. I don't know why I'm afraid of it, I just am. I would love to join you, sure, but I just can't! I'm sorry!"

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