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it's been a long time since i had you near my dear -- private

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it's been a long time since i had you near my dear -- private Empty it's been a long time since i had you near my dear -- private

Post by Faith Lehane Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:46 am

devon bryson

somewhere only we know.

Honestly, he had no idea how he'd ended up in the situation he was in.
It wasn't that Devon didn't like kids-- he did. In fact, he was more than happy to babysit for people if they needed him to mind younger siblings or whatever, but that was when he had some sort of notice. Some preparation done, etc. This was... unexpected, to say the least. The bronze haired boy had been minding his own business, sneaking a cigarette behind his cabin when Anna had approached him, practically begging him to take care of her little sister, Carrie. Okay, that was fine, he didn't mind. He'd agreed, only to find out as Anna was leaving that it was likely she wouldn't be back until eight. At night. It was nine in the morning.
Carrie was a good kid. She was actually pretty funny, but... well, Devon had no experience with kids her age. Or girls her age. Hoping to find Taylor in her cabin, he'd called by only to be told that she wasn't awake yet by her half-siblings. At that point, the kid trailing behind him was getting bored, and he knew he had no choice but to leave a message for her and bring Carrie off to do something. "Tay, I need you right now. SOS, save my soul, etc etc. Please don't ignore this desperate need for help, and meet me at Zeus' Fist as soon as you're awake."
Probably not the safest place to bring a kid, sure, but Devon had never been known for his great ideas. She was alright though-- even a young demigod knew to bring a weapon with her everywhere she went, and Carrie had a little knife that she tucked into a holder around her waist. She wasn't really interested in that, though. Climbing up the rocks seemed to be her thing, and Devon couldn't help laughing and joining her a few meters off the ground, sitting with his legs swinging as he waited for the one person he hoped would have experience with little girls.
It took her a bit longer than he'd hoped for, but Devon was informed by Carrie as soon as someone was approaching.
"Who's the girl?" She probably thinks of Taylor as a boys name, whoops.
"That's Taylor, Ri." He smiled up at the girl who was now trying to reach the top of the boulders (And of course, failing cause she was too small), and stubbed out the cigarette that he'd been smoking quickly, before Taylor could catch sight of it. Then he jumped down, keeping his voice low enough that Carrie wouldn't hear him, but Tay would. "You took your time." It wasn't rude, though. Devon said that in good nature. "Didn't saving my soul mean anything to you?"

Last edited by Faith Lehane on Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:40 am; edited 1 time in total
Faith Lehane
Faith Lehane

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Post by Sapphire Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:21 am

living in the real world

The moment she wakes up, Taylor gets greeted by a giggling voice telling her that her boyfriend dropped by, and called to say that his soul needed saving in Zeus' Fist. In the few minutes she takes to take a quick shower and comb her bedhair into submission, she still ponders over the bizarre wake-up call. Definitely the most confusing of all wake-up calls she has had.

Despite the fact that, according to her giggling informer, Devon needed 'soul-saving,' Taylor sure takes quite a bit of time to slip into a simple shirt and brush her hair up in a messy bun. She is still blinking the sleep off her eyes as she double-ties her shoelaces. Gods she hated mornings. Doesn't matter that it was already close to 10 o'clock -- Taylor would rather be snoring in bed. Finally she leaves the cabin sighing, squinting at the midday sun, wondering what on earth Devon was up to.

She finds him quickly enough, navigating the maze of trees and bushes leading to the only notable landmark in the middle of a monster-filled forest. Her face lights up with a smile before she could think, but it falters slightly when she hears an unfamiliar voice.

"Who's the girl?"

A young girl by the sound of it. Even at this point, none of her questions have been answered, and she is just as confused as before.

She draws closer as Devon answers, makes sure to put her biggest smile back on. As soon as he's near enough, she stands on her tiptoes and ruffles his hair. "And good morning to you too, Bryson. It's way too early in the morning, you know." She peers sideways, catching a glimpse of blonde on top of the rock. Smirking, she turns back to Devon. "I really don't get what part of this qualifies as 'saving your soul.'"

Chuckling, Taylor waves at the younger girl in greeting. "Hey, kid. Have you been harming this boy's soul?"

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Post by Faith Lehane Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:38 am

devon bryson

somewhere only we know.

If it weren't for the gremlin who was currently scrambling down the rocks, it would have been a touching moment-- in Devon's eyes, at least. He grinned as Taylor stood on her tiptoes and ruffled his hair, leaning down to plant a peck on her cheek (which was met by sounds of retching from behind them both).
"Pfft, you're as bad as some of the kids of Hypnos. Didn't you ever hear the saying that the early bird catches the worm?"
Chuckling, he followed her gaze to where Carrie was currently standing. "Alright, it was a bit of an overstatement. But really, can you blame me? I'm a macho guy-- I'm not supposed to be taking care of little girls." Devon gestured up at the kid, and looked back at Taylor. "I really need help, Brooks. What do little girls talk about? Boys? Makeup? Chocolate? I mean... I could talk about chocolate, but anything other than that and I'm royally screwed."
Carrie waved back at Taylor, grinning widely as she finally made it off of the rocks and came skipping over. She stuck her small little hand out to shake the (for once) taller girls own hand. "I'm not a kid. I'm Carrie." She glanced up at Devon, then back at Tay, and shook her head. "No... but my sister says that smoking harms your soul, and that's why I shouldn't do it, so really he's harming his own soul, right?"
Well... shit. Kinda wish I'd gagged her now.
Faith Lehane
Faith Lehane

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Post by Sapphire Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:06 am

living in the real world

Taylor's cheek tingles as his lips brush against her skin, and she couldn't care less about the gagging sounds behind him. She tries her best to ignore the fluttering in her stomach. "Well the second mouse gets the cheese, definitely heard that one. And macho guys take care of little girls all the time," she points out.

Looking at little Carrie, Taylor finds that she really doesn't have much of an idea what girls her age talked about. Having grown up an only child and without a lot of close girlfriends did that to you. Heck, the last memory she has of eight-year-old girls is a classmate cringing at the 'cooties' she might have caught from hanging out with the guys. It's not like she even kissed a guy at that age anyway. She was too busy skating and playing baseball with them.

She gives Carrie's hand a firm shake, but before she could formally introduce herself, the girl's words catches her off guard and her smile fades completely. "He's been doing what?"

Taylor has never been a fan of smoking. She had been her father's own smoking police back when she was a little girl. Now, even at camp, she rolls her eyes when someone lights a cigarette, and she had never approved of this particular hobby, even if it's Devon. Especially when it's Devon. She just couldn't bear the thought of him slowly setting up the stage for lung cancer.

She looks at Devon for confirmation, but the damage is done. Children don't lie. Quickly letting go of the girl's hand, she reaches up and pulls on his ear, twisting it. "You told me you quit." She stayed like that for a few seconds before stopping, letting go of his ear to hold out her open palm. "Box. Now."


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Post by Faith Lehane Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:38 am

devon bryson

somewhere only we know.

"Cheese and worms aside, you have a real talent for sleeping. I've never met anyone who has the same ability you do-- except perhaps Max, but you've really blown away her previous sleeping record." He shook his head adamantly. "Nope, macho men are too busy doing dangerous stunts to take care of little children who want to paint their nails and stuff. We gotta keep our image good."
Devon couldn't help but smile as the two shook hands-- it was kind of cute, the little eight year old and his girlfriend, making friends. Well... they would have been making friends, had it not been for Carrie's amazing timing.
She couldn't stay quiet, nooo.... she had to go blurt out that one thing.
Holding his hands up, he backed up a step or two, sending a glance towards the mischievously grinning kid that probably knew exactly what she'd just done and was enjoying every second of what was to come. "Tay, let's not get angry at me, yeah?" He barely got his sentence out before she was reaching up, twisting his ear. "Ow!"
There were chuckles coming from the little kid, but Devon couldn't even look at her-- he was too focused on Taylor and his stinging ear.
"I did! For... a few days, at least. It's a lot harder than it looks!" His eyes widened, and Devon shook his head, mouthing the word "No" at Taylor when she requested his box. He couldn't. He wouldn't. Cold turkey was... he'd die. Literally die, if he had to go cold turket.
Faith Lehane
Faith Lehane

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Post by Sapphire Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:05 am

living in the real world

"Macho men do that and take care of little girls. There's nothing more macho than that," she teases, rolling her eyes. She lets the remark about sleeping pass -- she couldn't possibly win that one. At this rate, she could match the Hypnos kids in a couple more days.

But her cheerful mood does not last long with the reveal, and Taylor could hear the kid's laughter as she glares Devon down. Carrie does seem to be enjoying herself immensely. In another time and circumstance, Taylor would have found Devon cute, even adorable. With his eyes widened while he tried to save his cigarettes, the sight of him could have appeased Taylor... if she did not hate the little killing machines. Damn cancer-causing things. It's hard to rid herself of the image of her father becoming short of breath at times, and even if he doesn't officially have cancer, he was already cautiously treading the thin line between healthy and chemotherapy. She just doesn't want to watch another person go through the same thing. Is that too bad?

With narrowed eyes, she places her other hand on her waist as her foot taps the ground in an even rhythm. Her outstretched hand is still waiting. "Box, Bryson. You so do not want to face the wrath of a girl woken up this early in the morning." (Of course, it doesn't matter to Taylor that her 'early' qualified as 'late' to most people.)


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Post by Faith Lehane Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:17 am

devon bryson

somewhere only we know.

"I'm just not gonna win, am I? I have no choice but to become a macho man who cares for little girls in his spare time." He faked a sad sigh, glancing at the kid as he did. She actually wasn't all that bad, as little girls went. He would have been able to put up with her, easily, if it hadn't been for her ratting him out.
He could feel his cigarette box in his back pocket, and really? Devon wanted nothing more than to protect those white and tan sticks against all cost. It wasn't that he had an addiction to nicotine... it was just that he couldn't give them up. He'd tried. And it had been much too hard. Out of all of the symptoms from nicotine withdrawal, he'd had a lot of them-- fatigue, headaches, coughs, cravings and more. Max walking into their shared room with a cigarette clamped between her teeth had been the final straw. He'd quickly crossed the room and begged her for a puff, and after that, a cigarette of his own, and before he knew it he'd broken his promise to Taylor that he'd quit and had already paid for some packs of his own. It had been going on like this for a few weeks, with him hiding his cigarettes and smoking them when he knew that she wasn't around. If it hadn't been for Carrie, he probably would have continued too.
Then again, Taylor had produced a convincing argument when she'd first asked him to quit. And the look on her face now... killed any sort of resolve he had to keep the box in his pocket and refuse to hand it over. Sadly, he reached to his back pocket, pulling out the box and holding it close to him for a few seconds. Devon almost couldn't bring himself to put it down on her outstretched hand, but he managed it.
"But what'll I do when I have a craving?"
Faith Lehane
Faith Lehane

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Location : Currently? In Narnia duh

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Post by Sapphire Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:50 am

living in the real world

The tension visibly lessens when Taylor closes her fingers around the box. She smiles triumphantly, finally relaxing, and slips it inside the pocket of her sweatpants. She leans up to give Devon a quick hug, brushing her lips against the shell of his ear and whispering, "Thank you. Just leave that part to me." Pulling away just as quickly, she makes a mental note to drop by the Hermes cabin later on. It's easy to get anything if you knew the right people, especially since she isn't sure if the camp store offered nicotine patches. Honestly, she wonders why she hasn't thought of it sooner.

With that done, Taylor stretches out her arms over her head -- a late morning stretch -- and plops down on the nearest boulder. She reaches over to pat Carrie's head, similar to how she ruffled Devon's hair earlier, and says, "Thanks for the heads up, Carrie. Tell you what, you can be my lookout for this guy here. Let me know if he starts smoking again, will you?" She sneaks a mischievous glance at Devon, wondering how he will react to her hiring the girl as her spy. The thought makes her chuckle. "Anyways, like he said, I'm Taylor. So tell me, how'd you get stuck with Dev?"


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Post by Faith Lehane Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:57 am

devon bryson

somewhere only we know.

Truthfully, it was almost too much for Devon to handle, putting his cigarettes down like that. He didn't have an addiction-- it was under control. He knew though, as she slipped them into her pocket, that he wouldn't be getting them back. And if she had her way, he wouldn't be having anymore cigarettes full stop.
Devon smiled weakly as Taylor reached up to hug him, her kiss strengthening his resolve. He didn't even care about what sounds might come out of Carrie as he leant down and pressed his lips quickly to hers, pulling away before she could protest. "Thank you," he said, voice low.
Devon had tried to give them up before. He really had. But... he'd started a long time ago. His first cigarette was in his early teenage years, and slowly but surely he started to smoke more and more-- it was a habit more than anything else. Where some people had some coffee, listened to music, or maybe read a book to relax, he would have a cigarette. It was normal, and deep down, maybe he didn't want to give them up. But standing there, watching Taylor cross over and sit with the little blonde... maybe he could. For her, at the very least.
His trademark crooked smile was in place as he joined the two on the rocks, sitting down beside Taylor and putting his hand down on top of hers automatically. It was funny, how in such a short amount of time, that movement became almost natural.
"I can do that for you. He smoked a lot while we were waiting for you-- I think he thought I didn't see, but I did." He'd never really agreed with Max when she said that children were the devils deviants, but all of a sudden he was starting too. He chuckled quietly, awkwardly averting his gaze from Taylor as he waited for whatever the girl was going to say next-- something that would get him in trouble, for sure. "Are you his girlfriend? Ew.."
He laughed at that particular question, raising his eyebrows at Taylor. "Don't leave the poor girl waiting, Tay."
Carrie was quickly getting distracted-- now standing on the rock, she was looking around as if she was looking for a foothold so she could start climbing again. "Nice to meet'cha, Taylor. That's a boys name though... why've you got a boys name? Oh, my sister had to go do something important, and she wouldn't let me come. Now I have to hang around with him." It was amusing, really, how such a young kid could throw such a dirty look his way. "You seem like much more fun."
Faith Lehane
Faith Lehane

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Post by Sapphire Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:58 am

living in the real world

Taylor doesn't see that kiss coming. It comes as quickly as it goes, and it leaves her blushing scarlet. She turns away and pretends to fix her bangs to shield her face from view. Gods, she is never going to get used to this kind of surprises. Clearing her throat, Taylor wishes her face would just return to her normal skin color. Her smile isn't about to melt off anytime soon though. Not when she feels the warmth of Devon's hand on hers.

Shaking her head, Taylor sighs just as he averts his gaze, so the gesture is lost. She snorts at Carrie's question and very nearly rolls her eyes when Devon chides her on. "Oh no. We're just a couple of strangers who kiss and hug a couple of times," she says in the most serious tone she could, with a straight face to match. But her lips betray her in the end as the corners twitch back into a smile. "Kidding. Yeah, fortunately for him, he's stuck with me," she finishes with a wink at Devon.

Taylor sees that Carrie's disgust at the whole romance thing has worn off (kids will be kids, she thinks), and wonders what she is looking for. "You'll have to ask my dad. It's not a choice I've made, but honestly having a name that could go both ways is pretty cool." She chuckles as she turns to Devon with an eyebrow raised. The look Carrie gives him makes her all the more curious. "What have you been doing? Did you bring her here to kill off monsters or something? As fun as that sounds, I don't think her sister would have approved."


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